What about bread
An old technique to stopping draining water is to put bread up inside the pipe. Jet Swets™ are an advance on that solution, and superior to it in many significant ways:
- Jet Swets™ immediately hold an amazing 60–70 lbs of pressure! This water–stopping ability of Jet Swets™ is unyielding and constant.
- Bread cannot hold back any pressure. Jet Swets™ hold 60–70 lbs.
- You have to wait a very long time before there is a trickle small enough to insert bread, which pretty much defeats the point. You don’t wait at all with Jet Swets™.
- Using bread requires an almost total evacuation of the pipes, which releases much more water and makes much more mess than is necessary for the job. You apply Jet Swets™ immediately after opening or cutting into a pipe or fixture. Less water, less mess = higher professionalism = job security and repeat customers.
- Bread ends up dissolving into a sticky substance that gums up all your fixtures. Jet Swets™ leave no residue whatsoever.
- Bread plugs are unstable and easily becomes dislodged if even the smallest change in system pressure, which is very common during a repair. The Jet Swet™ gasket is a unique rubber/silicon composite that adheres fantastically to the inside of any kind of pipe. Small to moderate, sudden changes in pressure are no match for a Jet Swet™.
- Shoving bread up into a pipe does not portray the professionalism that most plumbers are trying to demonstrate to a customer. Jet Swets™ are quick, easy and powerful: sure to show that professionalism and competence that all maintenance and plumbing personnel strive for.